Still, as participants in the Forum, never have we been confronted with such a complex situation in Central Europe as we are today. This change is most concisely recounted by one simple, albeit terrible, word – war. Personally, I have never imagined – and such a belief was shared by most of the Forum participants – that we would face the prospect of a massive war on our borders. We have been reducing risks to small frozen conflicts, such as the occupation of South Ossetia, separatism in Moldova’s Transnistria, or the takeover of Donbass by separatists and Russian intelligence services.
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Bez przesady powiem, że Forum Ekonomiczne to kronika życia politycznego, społecznego i gospodarczego ostatnich niemal 30 lat. Trzy dekady obserwacji, dyskusji, refleksji o zmieniającym się świecie. Z tych dyskusji można by napisać nie fascynującą kronikę zmian, ale wielkie dzieło dokumentujące historię polityczną regionu. Tyle było w tym czasie wyzwań, tyle poziomów ryzyka, tyle zakrętów.
The reality of recent months shows how naive we have been. The morning of February 24 changed our entire reality – the politics, the economy, and society itself. By welcoming millions of Ukrainians, we are back to being a multi-ethnic country. By participating in the sanctions imposed on Russia, we decided on a difficult and full of sacrifices transition of the Polish and European economy.
In terms of the pace of change, we are not even shifting into fourth gear, but into fifth gear. Overhauling the energy complex, changing the supply chains, creating new parts of the defence industry from scratch, full diversification of energy sources, the Polish nuclear plant, or renewable energy are just some of the major challenges we come up against as a state and society.
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- Bardzo nas cieszy, że sektor hotelarski i gastronomiczny wraca po pandemii. Widzimy dobre wyniki sprzedaży naszych napojów nie tylko w Polsce, ale w całej Europie - mówi "Rzeczpospolitej" Natalia Stroe, Coca-Cola Country Manager Poland and Baltics.