
Forum daily (english edition)


Forum Ekonomiczne

Green technologies require financial backing and supportive regulatory frameworks

The discussion ‘The World Cannot Afford to Wait: How Can We Accelerate the Green Transition Together?’ at the Economic Forum in Karpacz, addressed the costs of the green transition in Poland, as well as the potential price of abandoning it. The participants also explored the energy demands of cities and strategies for improving energy efficiency.

Jassem, Hofmarcher: Treatment of lung cancer must be standardised

We are not facing issues with the availability of drugs or access to treatments like surgery or radiotherapy. The real problem is the insufficient efficiency of the system, say Prof. Jacek Jassem from the Medical University of Gdańsk, President of the Polish League Against Cancer, and Thomas Hofmarcher, Scientific Director of the Swedish Institute of Health Economics (IHE).

The impact of American companies on Poland’s economic development

American companies significantly contribute to Poland’s economic growth, not only through multi-billion-dollar investments but also by supporting local businesses, creating jobs, and promoting innovative technologies.

Prevention is key in healthcare

Prevention is the most cost-effective and effective way to maintain good health and extend longevity. However, an aging population poses a significant challenge to the health system.

Leszek Stypułkowski, BGK: Researchers should be encouraged to engage directly with the business community

To further advance Poland's economy, increased innovation will be essential. There is still much to be accomplished, says Leszek Stypułkowski, a member of the Management Board at Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, overseeing relations, operations, and technological development.

It is important to recognize the new opportunities that ESG regulations present for businesses

The growing number of sustainability regulations poses a significant challenge for businesses, but it also offers a valuable opportunity for growth.

Łukasz Chałaczkiewicz, LIPTON: Pozycja rynkowa to nie wszystko

Istotna jest kultura organizacji, stawiająca na człowieka i jego poszanowanie, promująca przedsiębiorczość i wykorzystanie tego, co w nas najlepsze – mówi Łukasz Chałaczkiewicz, general manager East Europe, LIPTON Teas and Infusions.

Science needs promotion and partnership with business

Improved partnership between the science and business sectors, along with the effective implementation of the research results, requires changes, including the promotion of the achievements of Polish scientists.

Durhane Wong-Rieger, Rare Diseases International: Patients should be the centre of attention

Poland has the potential to emerge as a leader in Central and Eastern Europe for clinical research and R&D collaborations, offering a healthcare system that could benefit patients from neighbouring countries, says Dr Durhane Wong-Rieger, head of Rare Diseases International.

Łukasz Chałaczkiewicz, LIPTON: Market position is not everything

What truly matters is having a people-centred organisational culture that fosters respect, encourages entrepreneurship, and brings out the best in all of us, says Łukasz Chałaczkiewicz, General Manager for East Europe at LIPTON Teas and Infusions.